Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Analyse how the Holy Week is celebrated around the world. When, where, Essay

Analyse how the Holy Week is celebrated around the world. When, where, why, how is it celebrated (and much more). Give your personal opinion - Essay Example In most countries, they hold processions while carrying palm branches or crosses. Ash Wednesday is a day for cleaning the soul, and during the church service, a sign of a cross is marked with ashes on the foreheads. This symbolizes human mortality and repentance for sin. It originates from old biblical times when sinners covered their heads with ashes. Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday is in memory of the last supper when Judas betrayed Jesus. In some churches, the priest washes a few people’s feet in memory of the way Christ washed his disciples’ feet. Good Friday is a mourning day and involves meditation on Christ’s suffering and death on the cross. In some instances, the crucifixion may be enacted. Holy Saturday is the day most Christians hold vigil as they watch and wait for Christ to return at midnight. Easter Sunday marks the end of the holy week and commemorates the resurrection of Christ. It is a very happy and important day in the Christian calendar (St. Paul

Monday, October 28, 2019

Human resource planning and development t2

Human resource planning and development t2 Q) It could be said that international recruitment is the most important HR function within LVMH. What argument would you use to support this view? Ans.) 1) Recruitment is the process of searching and attracting potential applicants to a company. All companies, at one time or another, engage in recruiting activity, though the extent to which it is carried out, vary. The increasing globalisation of the marketplace combined with an increasing shortage of skilled staff and advances in technology have resulted in large scale changes to recruitment practices throughout the world. Attracting staff from overseas remains a challenge for human resources, due to a low rate of labour market mobility. Deciding how best to publicise a vacancy is just one element of how to devise a successful international recruitment strategy. It is important to remember that most workers dont automatically think about looking for a job abroad. It is only when they see a vacancy that they might seriously consider relocating. It is therefore crucial to not just post a job somewhere and wait until candidates reply, but rather to tailor each vacancy according to the factors that motivate the potential applicants that are targeted. This research reveals that those motivations vary from country to country so any international recruitment strategy must be informed by these cultural differences. Cultural and language differences are the biggest barriers for international recruitment strategies (43%), followed by legislative problems (31%) and the difficulty in checking candidate qualifications and references (26%). Companies in mainland Europe prefer to recruit from neighbouring countries, whereas firms in the UK have no particular preference regarding the country of origin of their foreign employees. Almost 40% of British people would be amenable to working in another country for more than five years. However those from Nordic countries (Norway, Sweden and Denmark) prefer to return home within two years. 2) One of the first lessons global corporations learn is that it is far cheaper to hire competent host-country national than to send their own executives overseas, for foreign service employees typically cost two to three times the salary of comparable domestic employee, and often many more times the salary of a local national employee in the assignment country. For example, General Motors typically spends $750,000 to $100,000,0 on an executive and his or her family during a three years stint abroad. The costs of doing business are often much higher overseas than in the USA. Consider office space as an example. In USA, rent per square foot ranges from about $21 in Los Angeles to $36 in midtown Mahatteam. By contrast, rents expressed in U.S. dollar average about $49 in Paris and Frankfurt and $61 in London. In such Asian cities as Bombay, Beijing, HongKong, and Tokyo, dollar rents range from $64 to $101. Of course, these costs fluctuate with international exchange rates relative to the U.S. dollar. On top of the high costs of such items as office space are the costs incurred by a high failure rate among expatriatesbetween 16 and 40 percent of all Americans sent overseas. For all levels recruitment, relocation expenses, premium compensation, repatriation costs, replacement costs, and the tangible costs of poor job performance. When an overseas assignment does not work out, it still cost a company, on average, twice the employees base salary. Although the costs of expatriates are considerable, there are compensating benefits to MNCs. In particular, overseas postings allow managers to develop international experience outside their home countriesthe kind of experience needed to compete successfully in the global economy that we now live in. When you are sending someone abroad to work on an possible about how to do business in the country. The cost of training is inconsequential compared to the risk of sending inexperience or untrained people. Business leaders of the present-let alone the future-need to possess international business skills par excellence in order to survive the chaotic world of international business. It also goes without saying that human resource managers will face new, unforeseen obstacles. Understanding the links between people, productivity and quality is the key to understanding why some firms succeed and other dont-in exactly the same economic and social environment. It is far too easy and wrong to categorize human resource practices as being the soft science—part of the hard science of making organizations competitive. In fact, this is far from the truth. The best organizations are very focussed and hard-nosed about their human resource policies because they clearly understand HR policies and their link to productivity and quality. Human resource strategies are designed to motivate people to immerse themselves in the activity of the company, to ensure that people are valued, respected and rewarded so that they continually contribute to the success of the company and enhance their own well being. Understanding the difficulties of finding qualified executives for international companies (ICs) and the importance of foreign language knowledge. Knowledge of a peoples language is essential to understanding his or her culture and to know whats going on as every effective manager must. Compare home country, host country, and third country nationals as international companies executives. Source of IC executives may be home country, host countries, or third countries, and their differing culture, language, ability, and experience can strengthen IC management. Remember some of the complications of compensation packages for expatriate executives. Expatriate manager compensation packages can be extremely complicated. Among other sources of complication are fluctuating currency exchange rates and differing inflation rates. Basic elements of those packages are salaries, allowances, and bonuses.

Friday, October 25, 2019

My Personal Goals Essay -- essays research papers

As a child and even as a teenager one tends to make dreams and set goals for life. On occasion these goals are far stretched and sometimes even fairy-tale like, we tend to see life through a rose-colored glass, not taking into account the many sidetracks life throws our way. At that stage in life our goals tend to be less focused and somewhat unreachable. However, the process of growing up, or maturing, tends organized and center our goals, we learn to make compromises and set goals for our goals. There are different types of goals, short term and long term. I have learned to separate the many goals I have into three main categories: family, professional and personal. First, my family goals include how I see myself and how I see my family and the paths that life takes us. Being a mother and a wife to me has been the most important goal which I have set in the past, and now that the wonderful role of motherhood has taken me in full speed I have learned to adjust my goals. The most important aspect of being a mother, and the long term that I have set for myself, is to be able to raise happy and healthy children that are able to face the world in a positive manner. In order to achieve my long term goal for my family I have set a few short term goals that I believe will help in the process. One of my short term goal as a mother is to be able to be a constant parent for my two sons, ages nineteen months and three months, especially in their first five years of life. So that I m...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Finches in the Galapagos Islands Essay

English naturalist, Charles Darwin, believed the finches he collected and observed on the Galapagos Islands shared a common ancestor because he found they all greatly resembled a bird located on the Ecuadorian coast off South America. When Darwin initially began his journey on the Beagle, he was biased toward the widely accepted idea that every living thing on Earth was a divine creation, which remained unchanging and existing as it was originally created. However, when Darwin arrived on the Galapagos Island he began to see a flaw in this theory. Examining and collecting the islands animal population closely and carefully he began to see uncanny similarities between the animals upon the island and the animals on the South America mainland. For example, Darwin discovered that the fossils of extinct armadillos and the currently living armadillo population on the island had many of the same features, though the current population of armadillos had certain characteristic that helped it survive in the islands environment. Using this, the finches and other animal specimens, he was struck by the idea that this animals must have migrated long ago from South America to the island, giving rise to a new and thriving animal population. Darwin was also able to conclude the finches shared a common ancestor from the written works of Charles Lyell and Thomas Malthus. While sailing on the Beagle toward the island, he was able to read and analyze Charles Lyell’s Princeples of Geology which, discussed in great detail, the Jean Batispe Lamarck theory of evolution. He believed animal structures evolved over time due to frequent use or disuse, and was eventually passed through to their offspring. For example he proposed the lengthing of the giraffe’s neck was due in part to the trees it lived among. In order for it to obtain its food it had to crane its neck forward and reach up. Lamarck, believe, over time, the giraffes structure eventually began to get longer and longer as it was passed from each genernertaion of offspring.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Trying to minimize which program is the most effective lies in the opinion and experience of the teacher under the policies of each school district. Currently, my professional peers use Brain Gym, Go Noodle, Move It or some form of a self-designed kinesthetic curriculum in their classroom as a management technique to reduce or minimize undesirable behaviors and create healthy environments. Another reason to incorporate movement is to engage multiple areas of the brain and to use both sides of the brain. Exercise increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain resulting in improve academic performance. There is a plethora of programs designed to accomplish this concept with integrating kinesthetic lessons into education.It has been proven and evidence supports that movement using multi-sensory techniques increases cognitive functions of the brain. Ultimately, this is the desired outcome or goal for the educator and student.Hubert, Bill.  Cues for Learning and Teaching in Flow. Wichita, KS: Bal-A-Vis-X, 2014. Print.   Bal-A-Vis-X was developed by a teacher in Wichita, Kansas named Bill Hubert. Bill Hubert uses cognitive exercises which encompass the integration of balance, auditory, and vision exercises using racquetballs, balance boards, hand-sized sandbags and various complexity of rhythmic exercises. The exercises focus on rhythm, patterning, balance and visual teaming. The combination of 300 various exercises increase in complexity as the student masters the fundamental skills. The exercises can be reduced to accommodate the student with varying disabilities. The program is designed to help individuals who struggle with academics, post-traumatic stress, physical and social impairments. (Hubert, 2007)Bill Hubert suggest the lack of flow within a person can trigger the stressful occurrences which may cause the cognitive debilitation of an individual. (Hubert, 2007). He further explains what he believes are the series of physical and developmental movement which occur and how this movement contributes to the cognitive aspects of the individual to perform a required task.In Bill Hubert's book Bal-A-Vis-X Rhythmic Balance/Auditory/Vision/eXercises for Brain and Brain-Body Integration, he mentions neurophysiologist Carla Hannaford. She wrote an excerpt about how the brain and body worked which inspired him: A most fundamental and mysterious aspect of the mind, thought, creativity and intelligence are not processes of the brain alone, but the whole body. Sensations, moments, emotions, and brain integrative functions are grounded in the body. The human qualities we associate with the mind can never exists separate from the body, it is our movements that express knowledge and facilitate greater cognitive function as they increase in complexity. (Hubert 2014) The principals of the program are to introduce midline crossings in three dimensions which are designed to follow steady rhythm using the whole mind-body system creating the flow with in the student aligning the mind with the body. The idea is to listen to the rhythm of the sound of the balls bouncing or the sandbags being passed while simultaneously integrating patterned movement involving the whole body.†Making an Intervention Report.†Ã‚  WWC | Find What Works!  US Department of Education, n.d. Web. 14 Mar. 2018. One reliable intervention resource for Special Education teachers is the website, What Works Clearinghouse created by the Department of Education. The information presented on this website shares interventions which are research based with data which has been proven to be effective and reliable across multiple categories. Another resource is the National Intervention Institute in Florida. They have collected and presented a multitude of research supporting the Response to Intervention tiered System academically and behaviorally. I did not find any data on either of these websites for Bal-A-Vis-X. Searching for data and information seemed to come from the founder himself, testimonials of educators and parents, and other graduate students conducting their own research. I felt the information could be bias and not authentic or reliable. I questioned if Bal-A-Vis-X was possibly just another product to entice the movement program generation to incorporate it in their interventions in schools, nursing homes, care facilities and physical therapy centers. Several of the testimonials were extremely emotional and supportive that Bal-A-Vis-X is remarkable in its entirety. Web. 14 Mar. 2018.  Norsworthy, Francis, and Bill Hubert. The Illustrated Bal-A-Vis-X: Rhythmic Balance/auditory/vision Exercises for Brain and Brain-body Integration. Wichita, Kan.: Bal-A-Vis-X, 2009. Print.  The founder, Bill Hubert claims it takes approximately three years to master all the skills of the program. (Hubert, 2007) I started my project first with viewing the first disc in the series of three. Each disc is a video recording of the founder Bill Hubert and his students demonstrating the first foundational exercises. He demonstrates the target skill precisely. He then demonstrates variations of the skill with modifications to accommodate students who struggle with the skill. Bill Hubert strives for three main goals with the program First, it is important to test a student for visual tracking. This is very important for a student to be able to visually track. Starting from the beginning basic skills visual tracking is essential for the student to be able to follow with their eyes the direction of the bean bags or balls while engaging their body in various other movements simultaneously in multiple directions and abilities. The next goal is to have discipline parameters. Classroom management is necessary. Students must be paying attention to the instructor and responding to exactly what is being demonstrated exactly the way it is intended. The student must be able to hear the rhythm of the bean bags slapping, the balls bouncing, and feel the flow from all of the components of the program working together with the student similar to pendulum swinging. When mind and body are working together harmony will occur in the body and mind to create a sense overall balance. In conclusion of training elementary students in the basic skill activities of Bal-A-Vis-X, I have discovered intensive individualized instruction is needed for optimal results. My fidelity of the training was challenged in the setting I provided for the instruction to the participating students. The parameters of what was needed was comprised by instructing in a group setting for the initial training. In addition, I was unaware at first that I would be losing one training a week per grade level due to Keyboarding class at the same time. I had originally planned on the group training two days a week, for sixteen weeks, for fifteen minutes prior to their physical education class. In the beginning I randomly drew from a jar which had each student's name printed on it from the targeted grade level fourth, fifth and sixth grades. One group would participate and one group would not participate in Bal-A-Vis-X skills. I administered all students an assessment an oral reading fluency probe and a silent reading comprehension probe. There were no significant positive results from the reading data which validated that Bal-A-Vis-X improved the students reading skills comparing from the beginning to end reading skills assessments. There were no significant differences comparing the Bal-A-Vis-X group to the non-Bal-A-Vis-X group either. Even though I did not get the intended results I was hoping for with this intervention program for reading, I did observe other positive outcomes. These observations were my personal observations from watching the students perform the skills. One observation example was a sixth grade girl with Autism. She is high functioning but just rebuts physical activity. She continually argued how all the skills were stupid or hard. I put her on the end to practice by herself or where I could be her partner. She repetitively could not perform the tasks asked without restarting several times, dropping of the beanbags or balls. She couldn't balance herself on the board and refused to even try. Each time I worked with her I broke the task down in smaller increments of movements. Eventually, the complaining decreased and she willing participated. One day at recess, which she stands and typically watches her peers play a popular competitive speed basketball game of shooting hoops, she stepped forward and joined. Remarkably, she hit the hoop every time she attempted to hit the hoop. This was a very first for her. She was so excited and her peers even noticed and were awed by her success. This was the first time I saw her happy and excited to engage with her peers in a physical activity. There were a few other coordination observations I made during the sixteen weeks. In knowledge I have obtained from the results first hand from this program, I have decided to peruse professional development of this program so I can teach it more reliably next year. I would like to teach it one on one to my special needs students. Many of the skills taught on the CD disc I personally struggled with performing them myself. I received as much satisfaction from inter personal learning as I did from learning from the students as they were performing the skills. Over all, I cannot say at this time in my personal opinion, observation, and results from reading assessments that Bal-A-Vis-X will improve a student's reading performance. However, I have not determined that it is not effective either. I will need more time and specific measurable obtainable data implementing the program in a individualized specialized setting for the best results.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

buy custom George Bush and his influence on History essay

buy custom George Bush and his influence on History essay George W. Bush is widely remembered as the 43rd president of the United States having served for two terms from 2001-2009. Bush was born on 6th July in New Haven, Connecticut and lived an interesting life that characterized his journey to the most powerful office on the planet. He is also considered as lucky for the fact that his father George H Bush was the 41st president of the United States. Their terms at the helm were separated by the two terms served by Bill Clinton from 1994-2001. Bush graduated from Yale University back in 1968 and went ahead to serve in different capacities before he eventually became president (Ivins Lou, 2000). He served as a pilot in the Texas National Guard and later enrolled in the Harvard School of business where he attained his MBA. He is actually the only American President to ever get an MBA, especially from such a reputable institution. He also worked in the gas and oil industry until the year 1986 when he got interested in politics and settled on campaigning for his father. He successfully campaigned for his father in a process that ensured George Bush senior was elected as the American president. After this achievement, Bush went to Texas where he successfully vied for the governors post in 1994 and 1998. Perhaps as a result of successful stints in politics, Bush declared that he was more than ripe to go for presidency (Ivins Lou, 2000). The first indicator of a possibility in attaining the presidency was embodied in his triumph during the republican nominations in the year 2000. Bush then chose Dick Cheney as his running mate and they arguably won against Al Gore and Joseph Lieberman, who represented the democrats. Everybody now remembers the election as one that was closely contested with controversial sideshows that characterized the scene. The outcome of the general election and that of the popular votes were totally different but nevertheless, Bush was announced as the elections winner. The electoral vote favored Bus h with a total of 271 against 267 for Al gore. He repeated the same feat four years down the line in the same controversial manner. One remarkable observation about Bush was the fact that his popularity was always on the decline given several contributing factors (Sufry Serf, 2003). The Iraqi War, the handling of the Katrina Disaster and the economic recession of 2008, were the main factors leading to popularity decline. Bush is also remembered for a closely knit family that consists of a wife and twin daughters. He got married to Laura Welch in 1977 after courting for a period of about three months. Together, they have twin daughters, Jenna and Barbara who were born in 1981. Jenna and Barbara both graduated in 2004, in the University of Texas and Yale respectively. Bush is also remembered for his participation in the organization of Texas Rangers professional baseball team. His participation served as a probable indicator of his worth in regard to issues of management and leadersh ip. The most outstanding incident during his tenure was perhaps the September 11 bombings of the twin towers in 2001. Osama bin Laden and his terror outfit the al-Qaeda, claimed responsibility for the bombing. Bush then declared war on terrorism and most of his policies were extremely controversial and subsequently caused more harm than good (Bush Bill, 2004). The whole situation was overshadowed by the Iraqi war, the war in Afghanistan against the Taliban, and the mistreating of prisoners in Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib. In association with his closest ally and friend, Bush and Tony Blair, launched several attacks against Saddam Husseins government. Iraq was greatly suspected of having weapons of mass destruction in its possession. This led to Saddams ousting but the weapons were never found. A closer look at the prospects and policies designed by Bush indicates that he probably had the right intentions at the beginning but most of his designs were eventually hit by uncertainties . America certainly stands out as the most wealthy and influential country in the world in regard to very many aspects. It is regarded as the watchdog and caretaker of other nations, especially in the developing world. Due to these and many other positions, the country is therefore considered as a world superpower. From this angle we therefore conclude that being able to hold the highest office in terms of power and control, Bush made his first mark as an important figure in the society (Ivins Lou, 2000). He will thus be remembered for the fact that he ascended to the presidency at the beginning of the 21st century (Bush Bill, 2004). While in office, it is evident that Bush did implement or show the intention of achieving certain things that would transform the lives of Americans in many ways. The policies and issues he raised specifically touched on both positive and negative dimensions but were still significant. One of the factors that contribute to his acknowledgement is the mann er in which certain policies were affected. For instance, Bush was on the frontline in rooting for the acceptance of millions of illegal immigrants into the country. Traditions and constitutional approaches in the US have always been strict and previous leaders were particularly careful in tackling issues. Bushs character thus qualifies as daring in this case and he shall always be remembered for these feats. He argued that the law was not precisely clear on the issue of immigrants and reasonable measures ought to have been taken to save the lives of millions of people (Sufri Serf, 2003). He did not support amnesty for this group of people, but he acknowledged that America heavily relied on their services. The country witnessed the highest number of illegal entries in its history during Bushs first term in office. The issues culminated in the immigrant reform act that took effect in the year 2007 having been written by senators from both sides of the government. The aim was to impr ove the services of the National Guard at the Mexican border and to also provide avenue that would justify and authenticate the entry of immigrants into the country. Serious reforms were targeted including the revamping of the green card but the presidents intentions were however rubbished by the senate vote. He was again relentless and went for reforms that did not require serious executive considerations in the law. Another landmark activity that was emphasized during the Bush administration, was the attention accorded to educational matters and the general welfare of children. Bush clearly saw the need for balancing the educational abilities of those students perceived to be bright, and that of students believed to be somehow disadvantaged in certain ways. The initiative was dubbed No Child Left Behind and it generally received considerable support from both parties in government at the time. Apart from reducing the gap between the poor and rich students through the spectrum of p erformance, the bill targeted the empowerment of parents from poor backgrounds. The bill also recognized the need for additional funding especially for children in the disadvantaged category. The bill was eventually signed into law in the year 2002 despite heated debates and emerging controversies (Bush Bill, 2004). Bush also used his second term in office to bring the biggest reforms to the health care sector. His stipulations ensured that the welfare of a greater part of the population was given due consideration. The Medicare bill composed of measures that would facilitate easier acquisition of prescription drugs by the most vulnerable in the society. Older people and the children were generally targeted in this proposal. When the September 11 attacks took place in 2001, Bush had just occupied office for a few months. Obvious implications suggest that he was supposed to deal with the situation in the capacity of a president (Bush Bill, 2004). Thousands of Americans lost their lives and the consequences of terror were evidently looming in the entire nation. The terrorists had successfully instilled fear in the masses and the people were yearning for a considerable course of action. He was the first president to ever declare a massive war on terror in many years. Together with his closest ally the British Prime minister, Tony Blair, Bush declared a war on terror and immediately swung into action. He began by targeting several countries in the Middle East that were thought to be supportive of terrorists (Sufry Serf, 2003). Afghanistan and Iraq emerged as the major casualties of the Bush crusade against terror. He received significant support in the initial stages of his moves from Americans and the whole world in general. However, the same course of action was responsible for his decline in popularity after many people realized that his invasions were not justified. His plans were definitely ill-advised or they included making wrong choices with the right intention. The global war on terror nevertheless made its mark but eventually failed to materialize into tangible effects. For instance, he could not prove that Iraq actually had weapons of mass destruction after a long stint of invasions that resulted in several deaths in the country. Collin Luther Powell was born in 1937 in New York City and remains an influential figure in the US, in the field of politics and also as a writer (Oren, 2002). He served in different capacities in the US before finally being appointed as the secretary of state by President Bush. Among the positions he served in, was the prestigious military leadership that basically catapulted his recognition on the political scene. He achieved his MBA at the University of Washington after a previous stint of attaining education in public schools at primary levels. He is also remembered as being the one of the few black leaders who had an outstanding say in the Bush Administration. He is a firm leader who is always guided by principle and does not believe in pleasing people at the expense of public matters (Oren, 2002). His good reputation in politics and the military were however stained by his involvement in the Iraqi war. He supported Bushs war in Iraq but has since regretted his involvement since the war turned out to be worthless. As a matter of fact, he was very close to President Bush and took part in the passing of several policies. He is also regarded as a household name in the US just like his former boss. George Victor Voinovich was born in 1936 and served in different capacities before eventually serving as the senator for Ohio. He is currently retired and leaves behind a legacy that is worth the attention. He was born and bred in Cleveland where he also began his education. His father was a Serbian while his mother came from Slovenia. He obtained his Law degree at the University of Ohio and went on to become the mayor of Cleveland from 1981 to 1989. He is known for his strict opposition for certain policies that were put forward by President Bush. This is despite the fact that they all belonged to the Republican Party. Bush was actually born in Connecticut but his parents moved him to Texas at a very tender age. It is therefore appropriate to identify him with the background that is Texas since it then became his home for most of his life. Texas was first founded by Spanish missionaries in the 16th century under unclear social circumstances. Hostile natives and some form of isolation resulted in under population until the revolutionary war broke out. It was previously owned by the Mexican government but a series of wars and revolutions ensured that the US took it away from the Mexicans. By the time Americans took the state from Mexicans in1845, population had undergone significant explosion. The state consists of vast fertile lands in the densely populated regions of the coastal plains, and also mountains in the northwest. The fertility of the entire region is generally favorable for farming and ranching activities. As a matter of fact, this region is known to harbor very rich individuals who own t he ranches and big farms in the country state. The econoomy of the state is basically supported by farming and ranching activities. It is also evident that array of weather pattern do appear in Texas with the driest region being Trans-Pecos. Different precipitation levels in the regions soils also serve to ensure that the area gets a variety of vegetation. Basically, farming activities take place in fertile conditions. Bush operated in a historical setting of a place that is believed to be the land of opportunities. The US is the biggest country in the world in terms of economic, social, and other ventures, and other countries look up to it for inspiration. The country commands a big influence in world politics and offers financial assistance to other countries owing to its position in world economics. Americans also expect a whole lot of accountability from their leaders in order to ensure that their country is not led astray. Figure 1. A photo of former US president George W. Bush Bush had a great influence in the 20th century in terms of political matters and other related fields. He therefore remains popular amongst the masses in America and also in other parts of the world for the same reason. However, as stated earlier his presidency began on a high note and ended on a low note. The trend is certainly common with many leaders and influential figures in modern societies and this case was not an exception. The economic situation in the United States was brighter in the beginning but after only seven years as president, many aspects had undergone deterioration and destruction. The US had staged a worthy fight to become a world economic superpower by the end of the 20th century by toppling Britain from the position. But by the time the 21st century began, the Bush administration had probably messed up the whole situation. The country had engaged in the most expensive war with Iraq and everything was seemingly in shambles. The banking industry became exploitati ve and the president only sat and watched. The banks not only participated in predatory tactics of lending but they also included deceitful practices that left everybody in danger. The banks basically preyed on Americans but the president did not take make any effort to salvage the American people. The resultant issue was the loss of homes, and other properties or the threat of being victimized by such dimensions. The war also drove up the general cost of living in the US due to expensive nature and significant allotment of funds. The military was heavily funded at the expense of education, health care, social welfare and environmental concerns (Sufry Serf, 2003). Bush was fighting for a good cause in terms of eliminating weapons of mass destruction and stamping out terrorism by all means possible. He will be remembered for that fact and his desire to ensure that the world remained a safe place to stay for every American and nonAmerican. He chose to engage in a just war with the support of other countries. However, this war had negative implications on economical and social aspects of the US, and it serves as the focal point in unraveling major sources of concern in the whole situation. The costs of gas and food were on the rise at a tremendous speed and the Bush administration also had to increase many fees in the country to facilitate the war. Effects of the war and the evident economic downfall all had effects on the welfare of farmers, home builders, and industries. There was a mortgage crisis that reigned in the entire nation in the name of a shattered economy, illegal lending practices, and the Iraqi war. During the mortgage crisis, many American citizens lost their jobs. As a result unemployment rates were at a high and this served as a key indicator of an economic crisis. There were possible beneficiaries of the situation who threatened to rise in terms of the economy, like China, but the American situation was generally controlled. Social aspects in the country were also subject to some upheavals especially after the September 11 bombings in 2001. Fear loomed over the country and it took such a long time for things to go back to normal. Bush responded in the best way possible by putting in place laws that would salvage the situation. In this case, the department of homeland security was founded and reforms were also enforced on the bill of rights. He clearly had an intention of helping out the situation for the sake of all Americans. I believe that George W. Bush actually made a mark in world politics and his contribution should be recognized even though scrutiny is welcome. He rose to the highest occupation as a result of his deep ambitions and a visionary approach (Mitchell, 2000). This fact is supported by considering that he only took a short time to ascend to that position unlike other Presidents who take a longer route. He reached his zenith at a young age considering the fact that his term and that of his father were separated by President Clintons two terms (Bush Bill, 2004). In other words he became president a few years after his father. People might argue that his fathers influence had some role in his achievement but evident facts suggest otherwise. Bush employed uncanny tactics and experience gained from campaigning for his father in ensuring that he ascended to the helm. His achievements were however short lived and this gives me reason to believe that Bush never invested his intellectual ability in running the government. He was only driven by passion and belief but never had, or ignored the implications of intellectual ability. As a result he made many unwarranted choices that drove the country into the dangers of collapsing. The Iraqi war and the handling of terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay brought some great deal of bad blood for America in other countries. America was also driven into the biggest economic crisis since the great depression and this can be attributed to lack of intellectual ability that eventually led to the grave mismanagement of a nation. Buy custom George Bush and his influence on History essay

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Dangers of Bombs essays

The Dangers of Bombs essays Today more and more kids believe that bombs are fun to experiment with, but do not realize the dangers associated with even the simplest bombs. Although curiosity can be a great characteristic to have, curiosity when it comes to bombs should simply not be tolerated because all bombs produce an uncontrolled reaction leading to destruction that could harm to, or even kill someone. Even bombs in a controlled experiment by experts can be quite dangerous. Take into account the fact that many died during experiments with the atom bomb. Although the experts said it would be fine to watch and be in a close vicinity to the blast, they didnt know about the radiation caused by the reaction. This caused numerous deaths. Although most kids wont be experimenting with atom bombs, many dangers are associated with smaller types of bombs such as pipe bombs. Pipe bombs are especially lethal because they produce lots of shrapnel. Shrapnel is debris given off by the explosion (metal pieces of the pipe, or maybe even nails, glass, or bolts) that can cause lots of harm due to its velocity. Many kids believe that they are experts, and that nothing will ever happen to them, but it defiantly can. Many incidents have occured of kids being hurt or killed by their own bomb. One case is that of a kid building a pipe bomb in my area. He stuffed a lot of gunpowder into a pipe with nails and he started to screw the cap of the metal pipe on. The grinding of the metal caused sparks and ignited the bomb, and he lost his hand and will not ever be able to have children. All this happened because of a simple bad decision that he will have to remember for the rest of his life. Terroristic acts have plagued the entire world for centuries. These primitive acts of violence have an everlasting effect on communities thoughout the world. What may seem as icolated acts of hatred among cirtain groups can effect many generations dow...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Vocabulary Quiz on Dr. Kings I Have a Dream Speech

Vocabulary Quiz on Dr. Kings I Have a Dream Speech Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., delivered his now-famous I Have a Dream speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., on August 28, 1963. This multiple-choice vocabulary quiz is based on the opening five paragraphs of that speech. The quiz should help you build your vocabulary by using context clues to determine the meanings of Kings memorable words. Instructions:Carefully read these five paragraphs from the opening of Dr. Kings I Have a Dream speech. Notice in particular the words in bold. Then, guided by context clues, respond to the ten multiple-choice questions that follow. In each case, identify the synonym that most accurately defines the word as its used by Dr. King in his speech. When youre done, compare your responses with the answers. Opening Paragraphs of the I Have a Dream Speech by Martin Luther King, Jr. Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous1 decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared2 in the flames of withering3 injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity. But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles4 of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languishing5 in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. And so weve come here today to dramatize a shameful condition. In a sense, weve come to our nations capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note6 to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable Rights of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. It is obvious today that America has defaulted7 on this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked insufficient funds. But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. And so, weve come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice. We have also come to this hallowed8 spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism9. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate10 valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of Gods children. momentous(a) lasting for just a brief moment(b) of great importance or significance(c) belonging to the distant pastseared(a) painfully burned or scorched(b) highlighted, illuminated(c) lost, forgotten, abandonedwithering(a) devastating, humiliating(b) refreshing, rejuvenating(c) non-stop, endlessmanacles(a) laws, rules, principles(b) habits, routines(c) shackles, handcuffslanguishing(a) hiding, kept out of sight(b) existing in miserable or disheartening conditions(c) lasting for a long time or slow to endpromissory note(a) a written promise to repay a debt(b) a union formed for mutual benefit(c) a pledge to do what is right under the lawdefaulted(a) brought shame or disgrace on someone(b) rewarded or paid back(c) failed to fulfill an obligationhallowed(a) formed by making a hole(b) nearly forgotten, largely ignored(c) highly respected, regarded as holygradualism(a) forcible overthrow of a social order(b) a policy of step-by-step reform over time(c) forgetfulness, neglectdesolate(a) brightened with light(b) depressingly empty or bare(c) profound, deep Here are the answers to the Vocabulary Quiz on the I Have a Dream Speech by Martin Luther King, Jr. (b) of great importance or significance(a) painfully burned or scorched(a) devastating, humiliating(c) shackles, handcuffs(b) existing in miserable or disheartening conditions(a) a written promise to repay a debt(c) failed to fulfill an obligation(c) highly respected, regarded as holy(b) a policy of step-by-step reform over time(b) depressingly empty or bare

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Discusion 4 707 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discusion 4 707 - Assignment Example She would otherwise not be depressed. Veronica also appeared direct on her negative opinion towards the review and her testimony to the physician and Mart’s testimony shows this. Mart report her position on his future in the organization while Veronica reported that Mart’s performance was substandard and that he was likely to lose his job within that year. Her attitude was therefore likely to discourage Mart, who already had personal problems, than motivate. Even though Mart thought about improvement initiatives, Veronica had not noticed any improvement and this suggest that the review had negative effects. Conflicts are common in nursing organizations and may have adverse effects on performance. In my conversations, I may try to incorporate conflict resolution strategies, through a win-win approach, in order to ensure positive outcomes such as developing self-esteem in the other party (Brinkert, 2010). I may also incorporate qualitative research in my conversations, through exploring a person’s experiences, in order to understand factors to a controversy for developing a solution to a problem instead of victimizing the party (The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, 2011). In the conversations with the physicians, for example, it emerges that the employee has personal problems and that he is willing to learn and improve. The problems may be undermining his potentials and a qualitative approach to evaluation would identify this and help in solving the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Managing and Leading Strategic Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Managing and Leading Strategic Change - Essay Example to the company (and later taking on the post of COO and President whereas Bethune would remain the CEO and Chairman), introduced a â€Å"Go Forward Plan† which had four parts, aimed at putting the company back on track in 1995. The four pats were the market plan: â€Å"Fly to Win, The Financial Plan: Fund the Future, The Product Plan: Make Reliability a Reality, The People Plan: Working Together.† The plan was to implement all these changes simultaneously, since they would create a multiplier effect (Hartley, pp. 78-84, 2010). Implementation and Leading this Strategic Change (Go Forward Plan) Bethune knew that despite this plan was approved by board of directors with all the trust, confidence and enthusiasm, employees would view this plan with all possible suspicion and mistrust. Therefore, the first thing, which Bethune did, was to open the doors of the executive lounge of Continental, which had been protected from any visitors since many years like some castle. Employ ees now need only to show their IDs and gain entrance into Bethune’s office. After opening the doors for employees, Bethune initiated a new ritual of arranging open houses at the end of each month at the Houston headquarters. Just to ensure that employees feel comfortable around executive, the concept of causal Fridays came into being, except for the employees who had direct dealings with customers (Palmer, Dunford & Akin, pp. 284-285, 2008). One of the previous managements of Continental had tried to repaint all the planes but failed to complete the same due to limited financing and immense pressure for cost cutting. As of late 1994, the planes were in the same condition, not painted uniformly. Bethune felt that repainting the planes would send a message of revival, newness, and better operations to the... Managing and Leading Strategic Change Since 1983, nine different CEOs who came in with the slogan of change, tried their luck and as the figures show, they were not very successful. Not only the company was in trouble from the financial side but as it has been mentioned above, that the company was surrounded by trouble from all directions. High turnover, infighting between employees and departments, employee absences, use of sick time, customer complaints, and highest number of mishandled baggage reports, ranking last in terms of on time arrival and others would just be a glance at the terrible conditions in which â€Å"Continental Airlines† was still somehow surviving. It was in February 1994, when Gordon Bethune took the charge of the company as the Chief Operating Officer and President and later in that year as the CEO as well, he knew that the company needed a hardcore strategic change and strong implementation of that change as well. Quite understandably, it was his responsibility to do the same. Important here to note is that the whole change process that Bethune implemented at Continental was in line with eight steps of change presented by John Kotter, professor of leadership at Harvard Business Review in Boston. This is one those strategic change implementation models, which has been praised and acclaimed by many different authors in their writings and analysis. Let us a have a brief analysis of the same. Kotter’s first step is about creating urgency for change.

Minimum Wage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Minimum Wage - Essay Example Critics are of the view that minimum wage forces employers to appoint only skilled workers and therefore employees with lesser skills may struggle to get employment. This paper argues in favour of minimum wage after analysing both the sides of the issue. â€Å"The vast majority of economists believe the minimum wage law costs the economy thousands of jobs†(Messerli). In their opinion, enforcement of minimum wage will decrease the demand for workers. They explain their argument based on the supply and demand theory of economics. When salary goes up, supply of workers will also goes up and thereby the demand for the workers will geos down. In other words, when supply increases, demand decreases. The above theory might be true in theoretical terms, but in practical terms, it may not be so. It should be noted that majorities of the western countries are outsourcing their jobs to India like Asian countries at present because of the labour shortage. It should be noted that in countr ies like America and Britain, an ordinary worker is getting salaries, three to four times more than that an Indian worker is getting in his country. In other words, even though the wages are high, supply of labour force is not increasing in countries like America and Britain. On the other hand, in India like countries even though the wages are low, excess of supply of labour is in place. ... Part-time work and full time work should be separated from each other. Minimum wage for part time work need not be the same as that of the full time. Authorities can prescribe separate norms of minimum wage with respect to part time and full time work. Moreover, separate minimum wage norms can be enforced with respect to the qualification and experience of the employees. â€Å"Abolishing the minimum wage will allow businesses to achieve greater efficiency and lower prices. Anytime you give businesses more flexibility, you will increase efficiency and lower prices† (Messerli). It is an accepted fact that only a satisfied worker will try to deliver more than 100% of his efficiency. In other words, workers who struggle to get a decent salary may not be fully committed to the organization. It is better for an organization to have more committed workers to increase its efficiency and productivity rather than having a huge workforce of unskilled or cheaper labours. Salary is the maj or motivating factor for the employees and therefore minimum wage will definitely motivate the workers more and thereby the organization will be benefitted. â€Å"Adults who currently work for minimum wage are likely to lose jobs to teenagers who will work for much less. Many adults trying to make a living are forced to work minimum wage jobs† (Messerli). Employers may exploit the workers in the absence of a minimum wage law. They will try to terminate experienced workers even without any reasons, for appointing fresh workers in order to reduce their employee wage expenditure. Thus, even experienced employees will be forced to work under tremendous pressure if minimum wage law is not implemented. In the absence of minimum law, business will take undue advantages in the form of

Salem Witch Trials Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Salem Witch Trials - Essay Example The fear that swept through the colony would in today's time be irrational but during this era of Puritanism it was a balanced and bona fide response. Puritans believed that the devil offered material recompense for collusion with him. Some of the evidence used in the trials was spectral evidence whereby those who had been affected claimed they had seen the apparition of the person who had afflicted them. In order for this to happen the Devil, it was said, had to be given permission by the accused to use their shape when appearing before their victims. A minister who was involved in the trials, Increase Mather and other ministers wrote a letter to the courts of Salem insisting that spectral evidence alone should not be used to convict the accused. (Mather, 1693) During one trial the accused Mary Osgood in her defense stated "the Lord would not suffer it so to be, that the devil should afflict in an innocent persons shape". She talked about how the devil had offered her rewards for her collusion and whilst she had agreed was able to prove that actually her life had become worse since her involvement with Satan and therefore had never fulfilled any commitment made to him (Reis, 1997). Consequently her life was spared. It was the women who denied conspiracy with Satan that faced execution for witch craft and testified that they would gain absolution from God upon death due to their innocence. At Sarah Goods execution she proclaimed the following to the minister "I am no more a witch than you are a wizard and if you take away my life God will give you blood to drink" (Reis, 1997). During the trials the situation reached hysterical proportions and it is the sheer size of the occurrences of accusations that has warranted further investigation to create a rationale for the multitude of persecutions. Even during the trials the hysteria generated called some individuals to instigate an examination of possible alternatives to witchcraft. The initial accusations in Salem Village resulted with the testimony of Betty Parris, age 9, the daughter of Reverend Samuel Parris, the Puritan Minister of Salem during the trials, and her cousin Abigail Williams, age 11, the young girls began having fits that were said to be "beyond the power of epileptic fits or natural disease to effect" (Hale, 1697). Other women in the village also began to display similar symptoms shortly after. The women accused of affecting the girls through the powers of witchcraft were Sarah Osborne, Sarah Good and a female slave called Tituba who was indentured to the Parris family. Sarah Osborn was marri ed to one of her own servants and rarely attended church, Sarah Good was renowned for begging and asking for shelter and Tituba had a different background to that of Puritanism. The girls had accused Tituba of witchcraft and she was consequently beaten into a confession that she was indeed a witch. Due to these three individuals hardly measuring up to being what would have been deemed at the time as respectable members of the Puritan community they were obvious suspects for the rituals of witchcraft. However it wasn't long before upstanding and often influential members of their community began being accused

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Environmental Analysis of the Eden Project Assignment

Environmental Analysis of the Eden Project - Assignment Example Opened to the public in 2001, the project took approximately 30 months to construct and now provides an interesting experience to visitors both domestic and foreign. The Eden Project, based on research findings, is a benchmark by which other organisations can replicate their operational models for the company’s consistent focus on providing relevant services and activities related to their mission and vision goals. PESTEL analysis of Eden Project The Eden Project operates in a stable political environment in which there is ample state-level and local-level support for business development. The Eden Project is even supported by an EU organisation, The European Social Fund Convergence Investment, that has partnered with the local Learning Partnership for Cornwall to deliver sustainable operations and promote training of local workforce members to support the project (Green Foundation 2013; Major 2010). Through government support both domestic and foreign, the Eden Project is abl e to sustain its operational model and achieve a variety of grants that provide adequate funding that assists in procurement, operational strategy development and even the marketing and promotional functions that give the organisation more public visibility and brand recognition. The Eden Project has also been supported by notable political figures ranging from the Queen to Prime Minister Gordon Brown in an effort to promote sustainability and eco-tourism in the country (Eden Project 2008). Political actors with considerable influence in promoting the organisation and also ensuring government funding provide the Eden Project with the marketing benefits and political networking benefits required to ensure long-run operations and sustainability of the company model. Celebrity endorsers often have a positive impact on consumer attitudes and behaviours and utilising the Queen’s endorsements is only one element of how the organisation achieves brand visibility. The economic enviro nment is also quite favourable for continued operations at the Eden Project. Admission prices for adults at the attraction range between ?19.50 and ?23.50, whilst children can enter the attraction for between ?6.50 and ?10.50 (Eden Project 2013). These are rather high prices comparatively to other local attractions, however it guarantees a higher revenue stream for the organisation. The UK is currently experiencing a recovery from the 2008-2010 recession, which is giving consumers higher disposable incomes today (Forex 2012; Reuters 2011). Concurrently, the UK Consumer Price Index has been stable since October of 2013 which represents that inflation is stabilising and currently household consumer income enhancements are rising in a faster proportion to inflation (ONS 2013). This provides an economic environment in which the Eden Project can sustain more consumer interest in disparate market segments without concern about substantial admission price discounting. The ability of consum ers to pay the higher-than-average admission costs to experience a unique attraction provides a stable and positive economic environment for the organisation. The social environment is also favourable for continued consumer interest in the attraction. There is a growing ethical awareness in many consumer groups about the importance of ecology and environmental sustainability that impacts their consumption behaviours.

The Judgment Seat of Christ Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

The Judgment Seat of Christ - Research Paper Example Introduction Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, death, suffering and sin have lost its power over humanity. It has opened to humanity the reality of life to come after this life on earth. This hope, which the redemptive act of Christ gives, brings men and women to the reality that life here on earth is the beginning of persons’ journey towards God. In this way, life’s journey starts from, begins with, and ends with God. However, as the images of eschatology fortifies hope for things to come, it also poses a challenge, for Christians, to take constantly a re-look into their inner lives as well as in their actions because in the â€Å"Second Advent and in the final overthrow of Death† , â€Å"we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad† (2 Cor 5:10). In light of this, research will seek to understand St. Paul’s the judgment seat of Christ. This is significant, as people perceive the judgment seat of Christ with dread. Since, it is commonly ,believed that it is in the judgment seat of Christ that people will account to God what they have done in this life, whether good or bad, and God’s justice will prevail. ... The third segment will be dealing with the ethical challenge pose to the Christian by St. Paul’s the judgment seat of Christ. Finally, the fourth part will be the conclusion. Furthermore, the study will not be providing an exegetical analysis of the text. It will also not provide a discussion pertaining to the debate between Premillennialist, who holds that the judgment is one of the various eschatological judgments and the Amelliennialist who claims that there is only one judgment event. Instead, the research will focus on the relationship between God and man and man between men in the context of Pauline eschatology. Jesus The Son of Man Scholarly works abounds pertaining to the ‘mystery of Jesus’. Acknowledging this fact, the focus of the discussion will be the title Jesus used to refer to himself – The Son of Man.4 It has been observed that the writers of the New Testament have referred to Jesus as the â€Å"Messiah† (Christ), â€Å"Kyrios† (Lord) and Son of God. In this regard, the meaning and content of the Son of Man, which is drawn from Jesus’ own words, are transferred to these other titles.5 In light of this, there are three different interpretations pertinent to the Son of Man. The first interpretation holds that the Son of Man refers to the One who is to come. This differentiates Jesus from the Son of Man and supports the notion that Jesus does not refer to himself as the Son of Man. As such, the first interpretation speaks of the immanence of Jesus and the forthcoming eschatology. On the other hand, the second interpretation, views the Son of MAN as referring to the earthly activities of Jesus. As such, Jesus claims Lordship over the Sabbath, the power to forgive sins and about him neither possessions nor home.6 Finally, the third

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Environmental Analysis of the Eden Project Assignment

Environmental Analysis of the Eden Project - Assignment Example Opened to the public in 2001, the project took approximately 30 months to construct and now provides an interesting experience to visitors both domestic and foreign. The Eden Project, based on research findings, is a benchmark by which other organisations can replicate their operational models for the company’s consistent focus on providing relevant services and activities related to their mission and vision goals. PESTEL analysis of Eden Project The Eden Project operates in a stable political environment in which there is ample state-level and local-level support for business development. The Eden Project is even supported by an EU organisation, The European Social Fund Convergence Investment, that has partnered with the local Learning Partnership for Cornwall to deliver sustainable operations and promote training of local workforce members to support the project (Green Foundation 2013; Major 2010). Through government support both domestic and foreign, the Eden Project is abl e to sustain its operational model and achieve a variety of grants that provide adequate funding that assists in procurement, operational strategy development and even the marketing and promotional functions that give the organisation more public visibility and brand recognition. The Eden Project has also been supported by notable political figures ranging from the Queen to Prime Minister Gordon Brown in an effort to promote sustainability and eco-tourism in the country (Eden Project 2008). Political actors with considerable influence in promoting the organisation and also ensuring government funding provide the Eden Project with the marketing benefits and political networking benefits required to ensure long-run operations and sustainability of the company model. Celebrity endorsers often have a positive impact on consumer attitudes and behaviours and utilising the Queen’s endorsements is only one element of how the organisation achieves brand visibility. The economic enviro nment is also quite favourable for continued operations at the Eden Project. Admission prices for adults at the attraction range between ?19.50 and ?23.50, whilst children can enter the attraction for between ?6.50 and ?10.50 (Eden Project 2013). These are rather high prices comparatively to other local attractions, however it guarantees a higher revenue stream for the organisation. The UK is currently experiencing a recovery from the 2008-2010 recession, which is giving consumers higher disposable incomes today (Forex 2012; Reuters 2011). Concurrently, the UK Consumer Price Index has been stable since October of 2013 which represents that inflation is stabilising and currently household consumer income enhancements are rising in a faster proportion to inflation (ONS 2013). This provides an economic environment in which the Eden Project can sustain more consumer interest in disparate market segments without concern about substantial admission price discounting. The ability of consum ers to pay the higher-than-average admission costs to experience a unique attraction provides a stable and positive economic environment for the organisation. The social environment is also favourable for continued consumer interest in the attraction. There is a growing ethical awareness in many consumer groups about the importance of ecology and environmental sustainability that impacts their consumption behaviours.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Suburban Sprawl (Environmental Issue) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Suburban Sprawl (Environmental Issue) - Essay Example These hazards being talked about refer not to only to body health issues but a rapid jump in mental health issues, prompting the former vice president of the U.S Al Gore to comment that the urban spread is like â€Å"cookie-cutter monster.†(Brooking Inst, 1998). While supporters of urban lifestyles contend â€Å"consumers prefer lower density neighborhoods and that sprawl does not necessarily increase traffic.† (Moore, Henderson, 1998). Nevertheless there is evidence that urban sprawl is one of the primary contributing factors to the specter of inner city degeneration. By pulling economic resources out of communities that are already existing and diffusing it into new and unconnected developments away from the current core, older communities get neglected and are led to ruin. These new developments are subsidized heavily to create newer roads, water and sewer infrastructure, new schools and enhanced spending on police and fire protection. While urban spread directly inf luences new lawns using ever more water and the use of chemical fertilizers as well as pesticides, it displaces native plants, which have not needed constant watering. It could be concluded that Sprawl wastes tax payers’ money With the population of the world exceeding 6 billion already and progressing toward doubling by the 22nd century, it is estimated that 95% of the new inhabitants of the planet earth will be living in urban areas. When compared to the fact that only 15% of the world lived in urban areas as recently as 1990, the task to manage urban sprawl is both vital and urgent. If not the exponential growth in urban dwellers combined with Socio-economical, geopolitical factors, with the certainty of limited land availability and in -efficient planning is certain to create cities that devour land used for other purposes historically directly influencing equally important aspects such as food security. Combating urban sprawl has two major forms of endeavor both, which i nclude detailed planning. â€Å"The first, the French/British/European tradition, considers urban planning a matter of public health and focuses on strong land- use regulation, public-sector investment, and civic design. The second tradition, born in North America, focuses on zoning and subdivision regulations within a context of strong private property rights† (Calthorpe, 2001)). Peter Calthorpe a New Urbanism thinker and architect illustrates the differences in these two styles by flavoring the European model a more ecological model and the North American planning model a more mechanically motivated model. The European model appears to be the antecedent to the concept called smart growth, and the other of developing efficiencies through zoning. The search for solutions to urban sprawl has given birth to various special-interest groups that promote a concept termed SMART growth at all levels federal, state, and local government. This might look nostalgic with a promotion of return to the city lifestyles of the last two centuries. Living in smaller apartments or smaller land plots with the emphasis on limiting transportation to bicycles or simply walking. Smart growth can be defined as the prevention of urban sprawl through meticulous planning with associated restriction to

Monday, October 14, 2019

Terminologies in the ICN architecture

Terminologies in the ICN architecture The research on the Information-centric Networking initiated with the need to replace the current inefficient architecture to a promising model that could satisfy future network necessities [1]. The several projects on this research are differentiated in the operations of the key building blocks common to most projects [4]. Named Data Objects (NDOs)   Ã‚   Every content on the internet ranging from a web page, documents to media files is referred to as objects (NDOs) which are independent of location, storing and retrieval methods [4]. NDO and its name is the identity of the information on the internet which can be copied, requested and supplied. NDOs can also hold representative data about the information held by the object [4]. Naming Every NDO in ICN is to be assigned a unique name, and should also associate an integrity check with the information it holds to ensure reliability [4]. They are always location-independent and range from structured to flat and may be human interpretable or not [1].There are two different naming schemes hierarchical and flat namespaces. The hierarchical scheme has a structure to the name rooting to publisher prefix which may also be human-readable in some cases, enabling aggregation and scalability in routing mechanisms [4]. The flat namespaces use the hash of the content with the objects name for direct binding and embed public key and hash of the content for indirect binding [4]. The publisher field in flat names facilitates some level of route aggregation even if it is a non-hierarchical scheme [4]. The difference in the design trade-off affects routing and security mechanism [4]. Security This feature is correlated to the naming scheme adopted by the approach. Human-readable names require external trust agent for verification, while flat names support self-certification and validation [1]. Hierarchical naming is considered disadvantageous as it relies on public key infrastructure (PKI) [4]. Application Programming Interface (API) The ICN API is related to the operation of asking and getting the NDOs. There are different terms denoted for the operation that varies which will be discussed during respective approach. The source provides NDOs by publishing it to the network. The user requests the network to get the NDOs by subscribing to it. As per approach, the publish/subscribe operation may be synchronous or asynchronous, while some support location preferences [4]. Name Resolution, Routing, and Forwarding of the Content The name of NDOs is resolved by matching the information name to the source provider [1]. Resolution may be direct or indirect routes to the source/s. The operation is carried out by Name Resolution Service (NRS) in the routing infrastructure which stores pointers to the storage locations containing the object names [4]. The routing and forwarding of the objects are carried out in multiple steps which involve routing the request to the direct source or to the responsible NRS, translation of object name to source/s addresses if indirect, forwarding the request to the source and fulfilling the requested data back to the client [4]. The content routing may be coupled or de-coupled to the name resolution process. Coupled routing backtraces the request message path from the client and follows the same for delivering content. De-coupled routing uses different routes which can be generated by an independent routing module that provides a deliverable route to the source [1]. Caching Caching is application-independent and may be done at every node in the ICN infrastructure [4]. ICN supports on-path caching and off-path caching. On-path caching is caching the information along the path of NDO request message while Off-path caching is exploiting the information cached outside that path [1]. Off-path caching can be supported in both coupled and de-coupled routing mechanisms by routing systems or NRS respectively [1]. Mobility ICN facilitates content request process from user end as the request can be re-initiated after the handoff while providing mobility to the source is difficult in both coupled and de-coupled approach as it burdens the system with additional updates [1]. By caching and replicating content at multiples nodes closer to the mobile subscriber, the ICN infrastructure saves costs and time by bypassing possible congestion [2].

Sunday, October 13, 2019

How is Sprawl Related to Landscape Change in Cities? Essay -- Urbaniza

How is Sprawl Related to Landscape Change in Cities? Over the past 20 years the 100 largest US urbanized areas have sprawled an additional 14,545 square miles according to the US Bureau of Census on Urbanized Areas. That was more than 9 million acres of natural habitats, farmland and other rural space that were covered over by asphalt, buildings and housing of suburbia. A major controversy in the efforts to halt the rural land loss is whether land-use and consumption decisions are the primary engines of urban sprawl, or whether it is the nation’s growing population boom that is providing the driving expansion. A good example of this rapid sprawl is the city of Chicago. It has had astonishing growth in the past years bringing about many new issues such as traffic congestion, surging housing markets, air pollution, loss of rural land and overcrowded schools. Through the redevelopment of existing cities like Chicago using methods like smart planning we can create livable areas, meet the needs of citizens and thus reduce the need fo r sprawl at the outer edge of existing cities. The main issues that will be covered are housing and human and social implications. The first issue is to define what sprawl is. There are many definitions of sprawl but the central component of most definitions seems to be this: Sprawl is the spreading out of a city and its suburbs over more and more rural land at the periphery of an urban area. This involves the conversion of open space (rural land) into built up, developed land over time. Organizations whose chief concerns involve urban planning goals may tend to emphasize qualitative attributes of sprawl, such as attractiveness, pedestrian-friendliness and compactness. But those who are ... ...y on the Sierra club site taken from the Sierra Club site in the 1998 Chicago report. National Trust for Historic Preservation Weighing Sprawl Factors in large US Cities, Chicago Metro Case Study, Brownfield article, Environmental Law and Policy Center, William Cronon, Natures Metropolis, Copyright 1991, W.W. Norton and Company Inc., NY, NY. Planned Manufacturing article Tax Increment Financing articles

Saturday, October 12, 2019

A Brief History of the People and Relations of the United States-Mexican Border :: Essays Papers

A Brief History of the People and Relations of the United States-Mexican Border Wind tugging at my sleeve feet sinking into the sand I stand at the edge where the earth touches ocean where the two overlap a gentle coming together at other times and places a violent clash Across the border in Mexico stark silhouette of houses gutted by waves, cliffs crumbling into the sea, silver waves marbled with spume gashing a hole under the border fence. Miro el mar atacar la cerca en Border Field Park con sus buchones de agua, an Easter Sunday resurrection of the brown blood in my veins. Oigo el llorido del mar, el respiro del aire, my heart surges to the beat of the sea. In the gray haze of the sun the gulls’ shrill cry of hunger, the tangy smell of the sea seeping into me.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Literary technique Essay

When one thinks of a lottery, they imagine winning a large sum of money. Shirley Jackson uses the setting in The Lottery to foreshadow an ironic ending. The peaceful and tranquil town described in this story has an annual lottery, and you can’t possibly guess what the â€Å"prize† isÂ…Â  The author foreshadows an ironic ending at the very beginning by establishing a cheerful setting. The story occurs â€Å"around ten o’clock† on June twenty-seventh, a time of day that is very bright and joyous and a time of year that is warm and makes people feel happy. The town’s physical setting also contributes to the overall â€Å"normal† feeling of the story. The grass is described as â€Å"richly green,† and the flowers are â€Å"blossoming profusely.† An ironic ending is also foretold by the town’s setting being described as one of normalcy. The town square is described as being â€Å"between the post office and the bank;† every normal town has these buildings, which are essential for day-to-day functioning. The townspeople also establish a normal, comfortable setting for the story. The children are doing what all typical kids do, playing boisterously and gathering rocks. The woman of the town are doing what all stereotypical females do, â€Å"exchang[ing] bits of gossip.† The men are being average males by chatting about boring day-to-day tasks like â€Å"planting and rain, tractors and taxes.† Despite this comfortable and normal setting, there are hints of the town’s unusualness that foreshadow a surprise ending. For example, the lottery is being held â€Å"around ten o’clock† in the morning, which is an unusual time because in most towns all the adults would be working during mid-morning. In addition, the author mentions a bank and post office as key buildings surrounding the town square, but what about a church or courthouse? Surely these two buildings would also be in any traditional town square! The lottery is compared to the town’s celebration of Halloween, not a joyous celebration such as Christmas or Valentine’s Day– but a rather dark, surreal, spooky, grotesque, and ominous holiday. The reader is told that school has let out for the summer, and yet the â€Å"feeling of liberty sits uneasily† with the children- which is strange, for no normal kid would be  anything less than ecstatic over summer break. Finally, the children are said to be building â€Å"a great pile of stones in one corner of the square,† which is a very strange â€Å"game† for children to playing. All of these hints indicate that something strange and unexpected is going to happen, and they all make sense once we discover the story’s final outcome. The introduction of the black box is a key turning point, giving the awful ominous answers to all those foreshadowing hints. When the black box is brought in, it’s said to be a tradition that â€Å"no one liked to upset.† The â€Å"villagers kept their distance† from the black box, as though they feared it. Also, when the black box is brought in, the mood and atmosphere of the residents noticeably changes. A â€Å"murmur of conversation† rolls through the crowd, and when the lottery official asks for help carrying the box, there’s a â€Å"hesitation† before two men step forward to assist him. More and more the town’s peculiarity begins to become apparent. For example, the names of certain residents hint at the irony and unfavorable events to come. Mr. Summers- the town clerk- has a last name that strangely coincides with the time of year- summertime. A Mr. Graves helps Mr. Summers store the black box for the lottery, which eerily predicts a future resting place. The ending of The Lottery totally contradicts the setting established by Jackson in the first paragraph. From the author’s extravagant detailing of the town, one would expect this â€Å"lottery† to be a chance for one lucky family to win some money. Instead, the winner’s â€Å"prize† is death-by stoning. The portrayal of the residents at the end of the story is quite disturbing– they go about killing the â€Å"winner† ritualistically, trying to â€Å"finish quickly.† They show no empathy at all– they’re simply following an ancient ritual. The lesson in this story hits pretty hard. The Lottery’s relationship to real life is that sometimes we are presented with traditions that have been adhered to for as long as anyone can remember, and we forget the reason these customs were created in the first place. (As Old Man Warner said,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"There’s always been a lottery.†) The problem is that circumstances can change and make these traditions outdated, useless, and even harmful. Think of the women trying to gain suffrage for their gender. If they had just let the tradition of only males voting continue, where would they lie in today’s society? We therefore must re-evaluate our traditions, questioning their original purpose; otherwise we’re just letting ourselves be stoned.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Gangs and Society

Gangs can have a tremendous effect on society. They have existed for hundreds of years, especially in America. Although gangs are usually created from people who intend to offer safety in numbers, this safety is usually done through acts of crime. This book will explain how gangs and their actions affect society. Chapter one is â€Å"Initiation†. This included getting high with the other gang members, then getting beaten by his new comrades, then going out with a 12 gauge shotgun and ambushing a rival â€Å"set†. Sets are subsets of larger gangs like the Crips or the Bloods.Most gang violence occurs within these gangs between neighborhood â€Å"sets†. For example, Kody's gang, the â€Å"Eight Trays† are Crips and mortal enemies to the â€Å"Rollin' Sixties† Crips. Not only must each set fight their neighboring rivals, but also they are expected to respect the larger scale wars. If a group of sets declare war on another group of sets then your set ma y be expected to take a side. This can result in some very awkward diplomatic situations with Crip sets allied with Blood sets against Crip sets and their allied Blood sets.At one point in the book, the Eight Trays found themselves at war with a previously good ally, because of these larger conflicts. Kody took to the violence. He saw it as the step from childhood into manhood. He was good at it and soon received the gang name, â€Å"Monster†. He willingly and joyfully joined â€Å"Fly†, â€Å"Tray Ball†, â€Å"Huckabuck†, â€Å"Lep†, â€Å"Crazy D† and â€Å"Gangster Cool†. These youths were very much aware of the gangster legends, who had gone before them. This older members were mostly either dead or in jail. They seldom appear in the book, but when they do, there is respect and admiration from the younger members.Kody's goal was to build such a reputation. He even had a three point plan to reach his goal. First, he had to build hi s personal reputation by effectively using violence. Second, he had to build his name in association with his set, so that when his name is spoken his set is spoken of â€Å"in the same breath†. Third, he must establish himself as a promoter of Crip. their activities affect society. Weapons were easily obtained from older members. 12 gauge, . 44, 9mm, . 38 were common. A â€Å"banger† seldom moved about without being â€Å"strapped† with his â€Å"gat†. The war was financed by thievery and drug sales.This was before crack and its associated money made full automatic the weapons of choice. Kody would patrol his neighborhood on his bicycle carrying a loaded hand gun. They shot their enemies on sight. I was frightened at times by the fearlessness, heartlessness, and cold bloodedness of some of the armed guiltless homicides. Avenging assaults, initiation attacks and a peppering of random acts of murder accompany this proclaiming of manhood. One gang member, c hallenged to a private duel, responded, â€Å"I'm a killer, not a gunfighter. † Monster's reputation built quickly. He was a very effective killer.Kody found himself the target of older gang members who wanted him dead. He was ambushed, shot six times. He survived and went right back to banging. It all seemed quite normal to him. He couldn't imagine living life as a â€Å"hook†, a civilian, a victim. He was at war for control of the civilians, the hood, their turf. Killing civilians was frowned upon. There was no glory in civilians, too easy. Some civilians even welcomed and protected the hood's bangers as defenders. Later in the book, while in prison, Kody was recruited into an army of bangers, the Consolidated Crips Organization.That's CRIPS, as in Clandestine Revolutionary International Party Soldiers, defender of the C-Nation, unifier of the warring sets with claim to the Crips name. The older gang members were very aware of the need for more unity between gang mem bers to reduce the crippling infighting. There is much talk and effort placed in creating a Gang. The primary motivation to such unity was surviving the larger scale wars. The Crips were allied with gangs of Southern Mexicans against the Aryan Nazis with their Northern Mexican allies. California prison reads like a race war.This causes me to have nightmare visions of a possible Earth, where the racial and tribal lines of loyalty and disloyalty exists on a bloody worldwide scale. I took comfort in the fact that this book is the story of transformation, from a boy killer to a mature man. Gangs of all levels and types usually have a negative effect on society. Gangs, gang violence and gang wars typically suck up a city or town's police resources because of the sheer number of people involved, lack of witness cooperation and types of crimes connected to gangs.Higher-level gangs that are investigated by the FBI sometimes force the agency to utilize very risky and very expensive resources like high-tech surveillance, informants and witness protection programs. Gangs also can bring down the property value of neighborhoods from the violence and vandalism involved with gang life. Big money investors may shy away from places where they feel that their properties and resources will not be used for fear of gang crimes. Gangs can also drive up prices of local groceries and commodities via their intimidating schemes that force businesses to pay them sums of money in exchange for â€Å"protection. Gangs have been threatening the progression of our society due to the fear that has been put into everyone’s eyes. In my own hometown of Fairfax Virginia, now whenever people hear the police car sirens, the first thought that comes into their mind is someone got shot. Gang violence is not just an issue in Fairfax; gang violence is known to be an issue all over the world. Gang violence seems to be increasing all over the world throughout the years, and it’s becoming a major issue. Many people agree that innocent live get taken due to terror and violence that gangs bring to our society.The lives of young people are being put in danger because most gangs recruit young people as members. The younger members are the ones being sent to kill each other just to gain respect by the older people in the gangs, and the gain reputation in the gang too. Innocent’s people’s house get shot at because of the gangs trying to kill a gang member, and sometimes they end up killing an innocent person. Some people feel the criminal justice system is failing to control the growth and strength of gangs in communities and prisons alike.In today’s society, the age of gang members continues to decrease while the number of them continues to increase. As youth continue to age the chance that they will end up in prison increases. There will be focus on the relationship between prison and street gangs and how society is affected as a result of these gangs . It is important to look at how gang violence can be reduced if not prevented all together Mike Torbert â€Å"The Autobiography Of An L. A GangMember† By: Sanyika Shakur Sociology Paper 3/22/12

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Plantation Management in the Old South Essay

William Scarborough’s, The Overseer, examines the importance and the daily duties of the plantation overseer and how they influenced and contributed to the production and efficiency of slaves in the â€Å"Old South†. This position was unarguably, the most important position in the southern plantation system as they determined the success or failure of a plantation. In some small plantations, but mostly larger ones, the overseer was in charge of the supervision of enslaved Africans, care of the land, planting, farm tools, and harvesting. The overseer has been especially known in history as the handler of harsh disciplinary actions against slaves for breaking heavy or mild rules. The emergence of job advertising stormed through the south with higher number of individuals owning slaves. Over time leading up to the Civil War, the position of overseer has been professionalized with some planters even requiring letters of recommendations from their applicants. The goal of the author is to gather facts and accurate evidence that demonstrate how overseers effectively completed their task set forth by plantation owners and were less concerned about the torture and harsh beating of the enslaved Africans. The writer focuses more on the profession itself as opposed to examining the individual’s social class or morals in society. He also attempts to provide a valuable interpretation of one of many groups that made up the white middle class of the Old South. The book is divided into three sections with the first concerning the history and role of the overseer in the plantation establishment. It also gives key details on contract negotiations between the overseer and the plantation owner. Lastly, this section shows the view of the overseer by the general public. The second section examines the managerial duties and responsibilities and some of the disagreements between the plantation master and the overseer. The final section shows the occupation and the importance of the plantation supervisor during the Civil War and how the loss or reduction in available overseers affected the surviving plantations after the war ended. The overseer system was first introduced in the United States by the Virginia Company of England with the primary job function of upholding gained territory. When Africans were shipped to the Louisiana Territory as slaves, this very system was implemented. The vast majority of overseers during the colonial period were indentured servants whose terms of service had expired. One major reason for the increase in overseers in the antebellum south, during the 18th century were the cultural change that demanded plantation owners to indulge in the arts and other cultural pursuits. The profile of many of the men that went into this profession were most likely either the son of a planter, white lower class men, and men who actually saw the economic benefits of being an overseer. One distinctive feature of the overseer system during the colonial period was the practice of leasing developed plantations with slaves as stock. With this agreement the overseer was in charge for maintenance of the s lave force, and in return received one-third of the net proceeds from the selling of the crops. This profession would soon become highly profitable when cotton became the forefront of agriculture in the United States although to some had a negative view of the position. Although most of the overseers were originally poor and uneducated, they still gained enough respect by their employers to be acknowledged as a semi-elite professional with a very profitable position. Whatever may have been the view of the planter class regarding the step on the â€Å"social ladder† occupied by slave managers, the overseer himself had no feeling of class inferiority and showed little resentment toward the proprietary group. One of the major duties of the overseer was the welfare and discipline of the slaves, the care of livestock and other agriculture implements, and the production of staple and subsistence crops. The overseer assigned certain task to specific slave groups and supervised the labor of slaves in the field. The overseer was expected to have basic medical understanding to be able to examine the slaves and make note of any who actually needed professional treatment to treat certain physical hinders. The slave manager was obliged to make periodic inspections of slave cabins and was responsible for the distribution of clothing for the slaves. Lastly, and most importantly, the overseer was expected to ensure the security of the whites against uprisings of slaves, which was to some, inevitable. Depending of the plantation, there were also a second set of rules that were handed down from the planter to the overseer to instruct to the slaves. Some plantations had very harsh working conditions and required long hours, regardless of age or gender, while other were pretty mild with less work demanded from pregnant women and children under the age of seven. Some planters stated that â€Å"a happy slave is a productive slave† and the overseer had to abide by the wishes of the planter although they may have had different views on the use and managing of the slaves. The relationship between the overseer and the planter became pivotal leading up to the Civil War in 1861. As the Civil War began to run its course, the production of agriculture (with slave labor) was extremely important in the surviving and continuity of the south. The role of the overseer became even greater than ever with the departure of healthy white men leaving to join the Confederate Army. In many areas in the south, the only remaining security against insurgencies from the slaves was the overseers. It was no surprise that the drafting of plantation managers to the Confederate Army, angered many planters knowing that there would not be enough qualified managers to keep the slaves productive and fearful. There were even laws put into place in states such as Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana that limited the number of overseers that could be drafted into the army. The south also made a rule stating that any wounded soldier who is able must return and oversee a plantation in order to contribute to the production of goods in the south. With this reduction in overseers, many slaves were able to escape and a number of large plantations fell due to the absence of the â€Å"slave Manager†. Scarborough’s The Overseer, examines the life and impact of the plantation overseer and how it shaped the working system of slavery and production in the United States. The author’s uses key facts to back his thesis on the importance and professionalism of the overseer. Scarborough did extensive research by exploring primary sources such as the memoirs of planters, public records, legal documents, and advertising posters. He incorporates a number of different employment contracts between planters and overseers and compared them based on the size of the plantation, state and region, and number of slaves. The author seemed to look at this job description from a professional standpoint as opposed to the ills and negative view that society and some historians have placed on the managers of plantations. He mentions that some overseers who were uneducated or inexperienced greatly affected the outlook for this profession and shadowed the somewhat complex job of managing an entire plantation.

Holistic Medcine Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Holistic Medcine - Research Proposal Example While searching about the topic about my dissertation, naturally, the problem of childhood obesity kept popping up. This area in particular has been documented to be a health problem of epidemic proportions, with the incidence and prevalence both being on the rise. Moreover, all biomedical interventions despite being research based have failed to produce results in practice. The main problem detected is that of failure to instigate lifestyle behavior in terms of dietary energy intake and physical activity in the target population. What I felt was children spend most of their time in families, and thus the family macro environment shapes their behavior in other areas. What if an intervention designed on the principles of holistic clinical medicine implemented in families could be implemented, which would promote behavioral change This proposition seemed very interesting since, there is a need for a solution to the problem of childhood obesity due mainly to the facts that behaviors inc urred in childhood continue into adulthood, reduce health effects of obesity in the adulthood, may answer the unanswered questions in this area of practice, may fulfill the gaps in knowledge in this area where there is a great paucity of research making this topic unique, and may provide a guideline for management both to the holistic medicine and biomedical medicine. Moreover, this is an opportunity for me to be involved I research in my area of practice, where my learning on research methods may be implemented so I am able to investigate whether my personal belief that clinical holistic medicine at family levels may alter the current course of childhood obesity since the solution of this problem may lie in targeting pediatric population in order to modify these lifestyle behaviors that predispose to childhood obesity and its adverse effects. Why do you feel you can provide additional information on this topic From my studies, it is clear that inherent health risk behaviors in terms of dietary energy consumption and lack of physical activity in a regular fashion are the main reasons of childhood obesity, where sustained problem behaviors at the family levels potentiate the problem that are inadequately addressed by clinical biomedical interventions. Research studies in biomedical models in this topic are inadequate mainly due to knowledge gaps of the researchers on holistic health care principles. On the other hand, research on holistic healthcare is inadequate due mainly to paucity of knowledge in the principles of biomedical medicine and methodological deficiencies in research design. From my position as a holistic practitioner, I can utilize my knowledge of research methods and holistic health principles within the domain of biomedical knowledge of childhood obesity to have a research designed in this area which can successfully bridge the gap. In my opinion this original and unique top ic is nothing more than under researched where many gaps exist